By Anonymous - 12/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I took a call. Wrong number. A few seconds later, they called back and I told her that she had the wrong number. She said she just hit redial and didn't understand how she got me again. I tried to explain how redial works. She called me a moron and hung up. Then my phone rang again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 24

Top comments

Should have acted like a different person every time just to see how long she would do it for.


fmlsmymiddlename 0

Not an FML, but funny enough to be on the site anyway. Haha Should've picked up the phone for the third time and started screaming

that exact combination of stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance reminds me of christians

ThisIsTaboo 0

FYL I guess for dealing with that idiot. Although FHL for being a moron herself.

if you feel like being a real ass, call the cops and report her for harassment.

not funny not an FML... why did you think this is an FML its a stupid story about what happened to you... dumb ass

NoBounceNoPlay 0

The fact that she got the last word would've reeeeally pissed me off.

abyssion1337 0

not really an FML but still funny

This definitely would be a huge fml is she didn't kept calling you non-stop XP

slicing 0

#80, use proper grammar and separate sentences before you start calling people dumbasses, otherwise you will contradict yourself. Now why am I giving this advice to you?