By Sarsippius - 18/05/2013 05:22

Today, I took a nap, and I had a dream that my ex-girlfriend got back together with me. I woke up in a great mood. When I went back to bed, I dreamed that she broke up with me, again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 640
You deserved it 6 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps it's time to move on, sorry OP it's hard to do but it gets better :)


oj101 33

Not all dreams come true unfortunatley.

itzkyle 5

Would suck even more for OP if they did come true!

Sweet dream, then a ugly nightmare :/

how does World of Warcraft have anything to do with this poor kids dream?

One day you'll meet a new special girl and hopefully she will replace your ex in your dreams.

As the great Nelly had said "It was Only Just a Dream" Too bad I loved ******* Selena Gomez :/

OP, your unconscious clearly doesn't like you much. I think your dreams are trying to break up with you just like your GF. Chive on, OP, chive on!