By FreeChocolate - 10/12/2013 01:51 - United States - Marysville

Today, I took my cat to the vet's. When the vet took her temperature anally, I couldn't stop laughing. The vet had to ask me to leave the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 176
You deserved it 47 658

FreeChocolate tells us more.

I didn't expect to be published! By the way, the cat is the one in my photo. To be fair, the vet asked me if I would like to leave while he did it and I accepted. This was also due to the fact that the cat kept trying to climb into my hood because I'm familiar to her. It was just a routine checkup, she was perfectly fine. I don't blame you for thinking I deserved it, I don't deny it was cruel of me to laugh at her. But she just made the most surprised and indignant face and she was running away from him. She actually did hop off the table and try to escape!

Top comments

karo_mit_k 11

Your cat whould do the same if it was you on the table.

The look on a cat's face when it's having its temperature taken is freaking hilarious!


One more thing, to people saying "how would you like it": Taking a temperature anally used to be the common practice for taking human's temperature, too! I had to have it done as a child, a lot of people have.

frizz101 22

I don't know why people forget this, besides it's not like it hurts, it's just a little surprising.

I would laugh too, even half these comments made me laugh xD

that happened to me when i was a teenager haha.

Laughing at my cat... not getting my temp done that way lol

#91 nice recovery. That made me laugh pretty hard

Whenever my kitties go to the vets I'm asked if I can help hold them still for the temperature taking and for shots. Better mommy holding them still than the stranger, after all. They do give me a look of "how dare you allow me to suffer this indignity" after, of course. Usually they don't mind the shots as much as the thermometer. Can't blame em.

no he meant when the vet tried to take her own temperature rectally lol I got your back bro

You don't even deserve to have a would you like it...

You guys are taking this too seriously. It's just a laugh it's not like he was laughing at his pet because of the vet taking his temp by anal, or to be mean, and please don't pretend to be all high and mighty. Laughter, c'mon guys, don't you feel happier when you laugh? Lighter? Don't be so hard guys.

I have the same problem. One of my professors said something about penis puppet and I laughed. I can't help it, though. I smile and laugh during stressful situations that make me look like an awful person.