By paging dr. kevorkian - 16/05/2013 21:23 - Netherlands

Today, I took my girlfriend to a family dinner. Things went great, until my grandma arrived. She thought it would be okay to continue our friendly prank war by congratulating me on my "wife's" pregnancy. My girlfriend actually believed it, and now thinks she's the "other woman". FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 797
You deserved it 5 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And Grandma wonders why she's in a home...

WhisperSoflty 20

Troll Grandma: 1 OP: 0 Gullible Girlfriend: -1


YDI for having a stupid girlfriend, time to find a girl, get her pregnant and thank your grandma for her prophecy.

metalcrazed 21