By Thewatcher - 22/10/2014 08:09 - Mauritius

Today, I tried to download some network-monitoring software for the office as I suspect that one of my staff has been constantly downloading torrents. It wouldn't download because someone was using all the bandwidth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 907
You deserved it 3 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

At least when you do manage to download it you'll be able to find out who's doing it!

lexiieeex3 32

Once it downloads you'll find the culprit and now at least you know there will be many opportunities to find proof against them.


Why would you do that on a work computer? That's what your neighbor's wifi is for!

Steve95401 49

You should have bought the software on discs and loaded it onto your network that way.

Well if someone is frustrated you then know who is downloading

cmoney408 6

what you need to do is, open each computer and remove the hard drives. weigh each one, and the one that weighs the most has the most data on it, probably filled up with movies and illegal stuff.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I could sense the sarcasm in 45's comment... ----------> From way over here!

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I thought so, too! I've dealt with so many idiots lately I was really hoping it was actually sarcasm. ;)

bingodog 11

Download it at home, put in on a USB,and then install it on your work network. Bam.

QoS on the router/switch. Block ports. Or just see which IP is using a lot more bandwidth than others. Multiple ways to do this without downloading any software.

QoS - yes but blocking ports - no. Torrents can work on any ports. Even if you block everything except port 80 there are some websites offering to download the torrent for you and send it to you through http just like a regular download from the internet. It's not that easy to block torrents if your workers are not complete IT noobs :P