By rexob - 04/02/2009 15:51 - United States

By rexob - 04/02/2009 15:51 - United States
thanks for all those who are genuinely concerned...i really appreciate it. i'm hanging in there, and hopefully my sister will be alright. we've been to therapy and i think it's helped her, but i don't know how this will come up later in life for us. again, i really appreciate those of you who took this seriously.
Maybe they were "Okay" with it because they were possibly role playing. She could have dressed up like a secretary... well depending on the angle of the photos. If you can see faces clearly my attempt at explanation is useless... ha.
Is your dad's name happen to be bill clinton?
"I did not have sexual relations with that women."
Both #s 34 and 37, you're terrifying. I hope you never have kids. To the OP, what your father (parents) did was disgusting, and their denial that you have a reason to be concerned is unforgivable. I hate to say it, but I have to agree with the CPS crowd. Please, do your sister a favor - get her away from them. Best of luck.
...why the hell would your parents use their children's phone/cameras to take pictures of themselves? That really does not sound cricket to me at all. I rather lean toward the CPS crowd.
your parents are ****** up cristof, its a camera, not a phone, the pics couldnt 'accidentally' get on them
My heart goes out to you both. There's no way that the pictures could have gotten on *both* cameras by accident. That any of this is "ok" with your parents is just deplorable! I don't know that you would go to CPS but if it would help your situation I would seriously think about it. I am really glad you're looking out for your sister and that you two are getting therapy. However this works out I hope you and your sister can get through this.
you must be scarred.
I agree with all the rest. They don't have their OWN cameras?
I don't know how old you are, my first sympathy was towards the 12 year old screaming girl, but it has got to be seriously scarring for both of you. Sorry to hear, that's horrible. :-/