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By Melonn3105 - 15/08/2017 03:45 - Brunei

Today, I've finally gathered the courage to tell someone I have schizophrenia. My ex-friends found about it and decided to make fun of me for it by saying that "maybe I have an attention seeking disorder too" and spreading it among our peers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 569
You deserved it 268

Top comments

Hey I just wanted to tell you that you will find friends and people who will like and love you for you. I know finding that courage to tell someone was hard and I hope you can find it again someday. Not everyone will be a jerk like that. Some people will actually take the time to understand and learn.

Never let someone bring you down or treat you without respect because of your mental differences. Schizophrenia does not make you any less deserving of acceptance/kindness/compassion/respect. If you ex-friends and peers can't understand that then they are poor examples of proper human beings. You to out there and you be you. These people aren't worth the air they breath and their opinions of you are worth even less.


Hey I just wanted to tell you that you will find friends and people who will like and love you for you. I know finding that courage to tell someone was hard and I hope you can find it again someday. Not everyone will be a jerk like that. Some people will actually take the time to understand and learn.

snake11292006 14

Can someone explain how in the hell this person deserved this?

Such a dilemma. She is blamed for seeking attention by her peers and seeks attention somewhere else. Last time I was in for medication regulation and there were this... person? with such an appalling personality that I'm sure this one is attention ***** = she would deserve it, but not for schizophrenia (where she doesn't mention what kind)

Never let someone bring you down or treat you without respect because of your mental differences. Schizophrenia does not make you any less deserving of acceptance/kindness/compassion/respect. If you ex-friends and peers can't understand that then they are poor examples of proper human beings. You to out there and you be you. These people aren't worth the air they breath and their opinions of you are worth even less.

The voices in my head think your ex-friends are all a bunch of douche-bags.

Yeah, making that sort of joke here? Kind of means you're being an asshole. That's the sort of "joke" people like the "friend" in the FML make to people with schizophrenia.

Lobby_Bee 17

I think they just went from ex-friends to total assholes. True friends would know the truth and true friends would stick around no matter what.

Is that really true, or is this the paranoia?

Do you genuinely have nothing else to do? you're becoming a try hard in every single FML

Good one! I would never make that one, because my schizophrenia doesn't include paranoia. Paranoia is so far from my life I didn't thought of it!

fearrhyno1 18

Good that they are now your ex-friends. You don't need a crowd of people that will only look down on you or put you down because of a disorder you have they think you're faking. That's just disrespectful and plain rude. I'm disabled, chest down I know it's nothing compared to what you have but I've been blessed to have good friends that help with any aid I need. That's what you'll have sooner than later, friends that will stand by you no matter what the situation is. Down let those douchebags bring you down, keep your head up and keep fighting the fight.

sherbear86 21

What a bunch of jerks!! You should be supported not mocked. Mental illness is not a joke.

Moose108 8

this really sucks...i would know...the exact same thing hapoened to me when i told my friends i had schitzophrenia and im now being treated for it...

I can't stand assholes who treat mental illnesses like a joke. Hang in there, you'll find real friends who'll stand by you.