By Alisha - 07/08/2012 18:04 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, I visited my mother's new apartment, and found a picture of yours truly hanging above her toilet, and I asked why it was there. She shrugged and said, "Because the thought of you makes me want to take a shit?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 179
You deserved it 2 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You, like a shit, just needed to get out of her

Ah, asshole relatives... Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.


That is so wrong ! I don't even know where to start at the many reasons why her statement is so downright disrespectful !

raraisbang 12

Orrrr it was just a distasteful joke. But hey, what would I know?

Not a big deal. Just hope you don't find a bunch of 4x6's of you in the trash all smeared.

sweetmama88 6

Those mothers out there should really be proud of them selves! no wonder why this country is the.way it is! Full of crazy people !

bored1091 4

That's a bullshit think to say

Shit makes OP's mother think of OP. Works both ways?

the key word here is visit...and that's very important you vist very little or not at all..

noobgang7 5

How does she see the picture behind her? Does she sit on the toilet backwards or does she crane her neck into a very uncomfortable position. Maybe like all mothers she has eyes in the back of her head