By Anonymous - 21/05/2015 20:41 - United States

Today, I waited tables for the first time at my new restaurant job. I asked a group of older men what they would like. One replied, "A slice of that ass". I'm 19 and a guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 039
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have just brushed it off and said sorry sir, I believe you may be in the wrong place for that dish. Try ordering something on the menu please


Why would it matter what sex you are? Are you homophobic?

It sucks that that happened to you. It's also a sign of how unfamiliar men in general are with this issue that you had to specify that you're a dude as the "punchline" to the shit most women have to deal with every single day

I do believe this is considered sexual harassment (yeah even if you aren't a female).

Emiweb 9

Being a guy is irrelevant. It'd be no more acceptable if you were female.

Benny_Boi 9

Take it as a compliment, everyone needs a little ego boost every now and then!

"I'm sorry that item is currently only available to me/my s.o."

That is sexual harassment and you should talk to the manager about it. It's not something anyone should have to put up with, women or men!