By So little trust. - 12/07/2013 23:18 - Canada - Coaldale

Today, I walked in on my daughter hugging and sobbing into her Edward Cullen cut-out. She won't tell me what's wrong, yet she can confide in a creepy fictional stalker whose facial expression is locked to "chronically constipated". Where did I go wrong? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 467
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Teenage fads... Not your fault. A good laugh for her future self, you know?

tjv3 10

Well you started going wrong when you allowed a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen into your house


Byere 4

You let her watch/read Twilight...

Make her get rid of the cut out and teach her to communicate with you. As a teenager, I wish I had been taught to express my feelings rather than being the closed book I am now.

You forgot to take the picture so you can embarrass her with it later.

Bludmagnus 13

FYL, and take away all of her Twilight stuff now. The popularity of Twilight is proof of why members of the feminine gender have no right being upset why men don't take them seriously.

When you let her read Twilight :P No, I'm just kidding, it probably started much sooner than that.

Selkhe 10

Maybe she won't confide in you because you have no respect for her interests (and can't just say nothing even when you think they are silly)? Haha, just kidding, I'm not that ******* retarded.

'Fictional soulmate' is a normal stage of teenage development--she's learning how relationships outside of her nuclear family work. This is perfectly healthy and normal. She'll grow into better literary and personal taste later.