By So little trust. - 12/07/2013 23:18 - Canada - Coaldale

Today, I walked in on my daughter hugging and sobbing into her Edward Cullen cut-out. She won't tell me what's wrong, yet she can confide in a creepy fictional stalker whose facial expression is locked to "chronically constipated". Where did I go wrong? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 467
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Teenage fads... Not your fault. A good laugh for her future self, you know?

tjv3 10

Well you started going wrong when you allowed a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen into your house


Parents actually expect their kids to come to them with their problems? That's so cute.

an3ph 20

STILL a better love story than Twilight. Will the insanity never end?

Um, maybe the fact that you let her have anything to do with said fictional character?....if you look @ the books you will see that they are intended for "adult" audiences & NOT teens & children, while the movies took away a lot of the actual story line, it was the still the intention (of the movie makers & box office) to make $ off of the children & parents who let their kids go to see sad.

I don't like Twilight either, but they're not adult books. Go in any bookstore or library; they're in the "young adult" section, which is typically geared toward ages 13-18. I agree little kids shouldn't be reading them, but the FML doesn't even say how old OP's daughter is. She's probably a teenager.

Are you high? Twilight, regardless of personal opinions, is teen fiction. It's written about teenagers, for teenagers, marketed towards teenagers... There's nothing "adult" about it. Are you sure you're not confusing it with 50 Shades of Gay (whoops ofc I mean Grey)?

This is a memory you'll laugh at later with her, don't worry.

JoseIsAdork 31

his heart is dark and cold as stone, he truly gets this teenage generation ×_×

You didn't. She just needed someone who CAN'T judge her(not saying you would). Don't take it personally