By So little trust. - 12/07/2013 23:18 - Canada - Coaldale

Today, I walked in on my daughter hugging and sobbing into her Edward Cullen cut-out. She won't tell me what's wrong, yet she can confide in a creepy fictional stalker whose facial expression is locked to "chronically constipated". Where did I go wrong? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 467
You deserved it 7 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eliseopwns 22

Teenage fads... Not your fault. A good laugh for her future self, you know?

tjv3 10

Well you started going wrong when you allowed a cardboard cut out of Edward Cullen into your house


Smoldering 15

Op's daughter : Ohhh Edward I didn't want to kill Kristen Stewart, but I had too so we could be together. I hope you understand.

Oh, yeah. It's literally a religion. Pray to Edward for protection, Alice for foresight… It's truly frightening what lengths these morons will go.

skyeyez9 24

Adopt a pet from the shelter if you are able and have her confide in her new puppy or kitten instead. Its alot healthier vs using a cardboard cutout. Pets are good for this, they lower blood pressure just by petting and cuddling them.

fuckmylife518 15

You went wrong when you got her the cutout of the creepy stalker whose facial expression is set to "constantly constipated".

could be could be Justin Bieber

deemarie13 14

You let her watch/ read that crap.

perry_sameh20 18

Teenage stage, thats such a normal reaction. Dont worry :)

trueblue170 13

So she is confiding in someone who not only isn't a real "vampire" but a sparkling fairy princess, but is also a manipulative abuser? :/