By prince-charming - 07/11/2009 10:12 - Kuwait

Today, I was acting as Prince Charming for a 5 year old's birthday party. After my scene at the ball, the narrator asked the kids, "Was the Prince handsome?" and they all replied with a chorus of "Nooooo!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 492
You deserved it 31

Top comments

perdix 29

But the Prince had lots of money, so all the "princesses" found him Charming enough. "Stop being dandy, showing me you're handsome"

Kids are really literal~probably thought narrator meant "Prince Handsome". Follow it up with "was the Prince Charming?" and you'd get a "YES!"


perdix 29

But the Prince had lots of money, so all the "princesses" found him Charming enough. "Stop being dandy, showing me you're handsome"

dude kids don't have raging hormones like the rest of us, also, who are you, a serial molester, to care about what kids think.

MissyWissyKach 0

i think the picture was cute :]

e3r4 0

yeah dude. don't have to be a dick.



not an fml. ydi for playing a charcter who is nearly as big a douche as that bieber chick/guy. lol I type in bieber on my iPod and it change it to norbert

Yay an illustrated FML from Kuwait! ;p

kids don't lie! too bad but... you'll live.

oh god kids lie so much that they are telling the truth within a lie. Confusing aint it?

CarryOnAgainx 0

Ehh, you got "Kids don't lie!" from Shane Dawson.

Nope; Shade Dawson got that from him DUH!

zmed 0
analo_fml 8

who said he wasn't charming? you mean being handsome?

Kids are really literal~probably thought narrator meant "Prince Handsome". Follow it up with "was the Prince Charming?" and you'd get a "YES!"

to the OP, if you really care enough about what 5 year olds think about the way you look, then your messed up

I'd care more about 5 year olds cause they're honest, Ppl older than middle school lie to hurt you so he's not messed up

YDI for letting 5 year olds get to you, grow some balls bitch

franfran_fml 0

They probably didn't really care about what the kid said, they were just trying to get their story on FML, so calm down man.

Hahaha!!! Come on! They are kids. You are acting like a 5 year old yourself if you let it get to you :D