By stutterernotschizophrenic - 15/11/2010 03:43

Today, I was alone in my dorm room rehearsing comments to make in my writing class tomorrow. I grew up with a severe stutter, and rehearsing like this is one of the ways I keep my speech under control. What I didn't plan on was my roommate walking in. I think she now thinks I'm schizophrenic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 789
You deserved it 2 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there is a very simple solution to this. when she walks in on you, pause and say: 'oh hi, i was just rehearsing for my class tomorrow' if she lives with you she probably knows you have a stutter and she'll understand. duh.

ideasrule 13

Tell her about it? Is it so hard for her to believe you have a stutter if you see her every day?


You only thinks that she thinks that so she might not even think that.

I know just how you feel bro. I have a severe stutter too.

So why didn't you just tell her what you were doing? ydi