By omgstfuplz - 16/09/2009 08:38 - United States

Today, I was arguing with one of my professors. She said that all married couples fight and I told her that my parents have never argued or fought about anything. When I got home my parents told me that they're getting a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 014
You deserved it 13 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry. Actually they could be divorceing BECAUSE they never actually fought....


what kind of rock have you been living under that you honestly believed your parents never fought? it's good that they didn't fight in front of you, but ideally they'd have fought CONSTRUCTIVELY in front of you so you'd know that only does every couple have disagreements, but how to productively resolve those disagreements. then again, if they were capable of constructive arguments they probably wouldn't be getting a divorce.

wow. i can't believe you are seriously so naive. college will be a rude awakening for you. brace yourself.

Are you like 8 years old? Good job, ******* retard, you're the reason bad stuff happens in this world.

I bet you don't go back and admit she was right.

SoonFired 0

I get the feeling you are going to have a very difficult life.

visage 0

Way to go! I blame you... if only you kept your mouth shut!

Or more likely, they just dont fight around the kids like a lot of married couples

Have you never been in a relationship of your own?! Honestly, when you spend so much time with another person, and (I hope) both you and your SO have your own passions and opinions, you are eventually going to butt heads on something. I'm sorry, but it has to happen sooner or later. Any couple who tells you that they NEVER argue or fight is either a) lying, or b) incredibly dysfunctional. What makes or breaks a relationship is whether the arguments are constructive or destructive. Is the aim to find the misunderstanding or to come to a compromise, or does the couple just try to tear each other down? I hope you learn fast, because you are going to have a very rude awakening when you realize how it really goes.

The OP obviously hasn't been in a relationship.

It's pretty naive to think that there are couples who never fight. All couples fight. It's normal and it's healthy. Not necessarily violent screaming matches, but an argument here or there is not a bad thing- It means you're communicating. Your parents were probably just really good at hiding it from you, or possibly really good at hiding their feelings from each other- Which is a good way to end up divorced. Sorry your parents are getting divorced though.