By cooney7 - 03/11/2013 05:59 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a family meeting about opening up a business. During it, I had an allergic reaction and my throat began to close. Nobody tried to help. In fact, pictures were taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 736
You deserved it 3 082

cooney7 tells us more.

My allergy is known to both me and the family and my epipen was on hand as it always is. I never knew that the food contained ingredients I am allergic and as I said, my throat started to close and I was struggling to breathe. The reason wasn't because they're laughing at me or anything like that, 'my face was a great shade of red for the company logo'. They did help me eventually by injecting me. Weird story, I know, but my family have a track record of being idiots.

Top comments

MikaykayUnicorn 36

If my face was turning red, and since your throat was closing I'm assuming you couldn't talk, my parents or someone would try to help me. No matter how stupid your relatives are, this is horrible.

Since you were able to post this I assume someone saved you, or it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. So at least you're alive. . On an unrelated note, we're the pictures any good?


Iguanadon 14

I lost my father to an allergic reaction where his tongue swelled and closed his throat. I feel for you OP, that must've been terrifying. Your family are dicks.

Gosh that's really bad form for first aid practices that all staff members have to understate as a requirement. At least cert II.

I hope the business has nothing to do with helping people if so they are off to a bad start

purrypie 9

Should probably get your reaction checked before any more pictures are taken again

I can't help but wonder if your allergic reaction had anything to do with your family? Is it them you're allergic to by any chance?

Worah.. what kind of Partners u have ?

Sad that this seems to be the world we're in now. Ex: when a street fight broke out, instead of people calling the cops, they all just get their phones out to record it. Wanting to be the first to post it.

damn sounds like a bitch... sorry op unrelated notes were the pics any good? what was the business? i hope it wasnt caring for someone or a hospital....

perdix 29

"Rubberneckers R Us?" If that's your family business, you are all going to be rich!

UGH! Most people do not take allergies very seriously... not unless the people I have encountered through out life just happen to be jerks instead of the awesome individuals that pass by or come into your life. I understand how frustrated you must feel OP. I am highly allergic to cats. One of my friends got a new pet that happens to be a cat. She didn't let me know about this new pet when I came over since she had forgotten I was highly allergic to cats. I started to react. The reaction became worse pretty fast. I stepped outside her house to get away and barely could breathe as my asthma had now kicked in by that time. She got mad at me because I couldn't stay by saying i'm just faking a sever reaction since my allergy towards cats "wasn't that bad" despite clearly seeing an army of hives every where visible, struggling to breath, throat starting to close, etc - sever enough reactions can kill someone in a matter of minutes, even with the best attempts with medical attention to try and stop the reaction. It is incredibly frustrating when someone (especially your family) does not take allergies serious enough. I am glad you're now ok OP since you have managed to post this FML but I would have a sit down with your family and express how allergies should be taken seriously..... other wise the next time you may not be so lucky to escape a bad reaction if they don't do anything to help you in a bad situation. Sorry for the long post.