By dream1334 - 02/06/2012 23:28 - United States - East Rockaway
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 10/03/2012 14:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/03/2023 14:00
By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 04:02 - United Kingdom - Southampton
File vs. Folder
By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula
By flipflop - 07/06/2010 07:03 - United States
By Sammijane58 - 31/07/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 14/06/2014 21:32 - United States - Grand Prairie
By paige - 27/02/2009 23:15 - United States
By red button - 11/02/2009 19:24 - United States
Little shit
By Anonymous - 20/11/2023 03:00 - United States - Lindenhurst
Top comments
****. It's always ****.
Definitely without a doubt
Of course.
I don't think that's unlikely. Lots of people do it.
It must have been "Smell Yo Dick" by Riskay
36- One would think it would also be highly unlikely that anyone would ever put squirrel road-kill as their profile picture, but here we are.
It wasn't ****...she played the loudest video she had recorded prior to the in earlier in the day.
72- who said it had to be earlier in that day?
wat position was it?
Lots of ****.
That's always embarrassing ~ that sucks
Wow, I wonder why it's on FML?
54- Sometimes its necessary to be a dick. Some people don't understand that everyone knows that the FML sucks, and their comment could've been a bit more creative than "Dang bro, shit sucks eh?".
54 - Dicks we have problems too, we're just like you, except we have balls hanging off us.
Oh god, don't mention that song.
How embarrassing! That will probably be held against you for a while!
Ya don't say?
Thanks for pointing that out.
#4: Nah, I don't see why this would be awkward at all... Not one bit. :-P
the iPod app won't let my previous comment show, just look at my picture. enough said for this comment.
That's awkward.
Ya don't say??
50- I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes people just lose the tie-in of their whole entire comment and just rant on and on and on and ON. It gets to the point where you just want to throw a brick at their face because you just get so upset. Speaking of upset doesn't it just make your blood boil when they stop making sense halfway through and you just lose interest until they just platypuszingers seem to lose all respectability after they put some dumb argument into their comment to make it seem like they actually care about the FML when really they are just trying to make themselves look cool. They always even try to make themselves seem more popular by agreeing with someone who got a few thumbs up in hope that they get thumbed up too, or they reference something trendy and ***** off it for even more thumbs up. It's almost as if they actually care about what the person actually said, but instead they end up just taking up space that could've been someone else's comment that would've probably had waaaaaaaaay more respectability and purpose. Sometimes it's best to just keep all your random thoughts to yourselves and just not post anything because there is a thumb button for a reason. It's like my god there is absolutely NO reason they need to carry on so unnecessarily far with their stupidass comment that nobody is going to read because they already know it's so highly unnecessary that they're going to slap a negative vote on it and will forever keep that person in their minds "TROLL" section. OMG while we're on the subject of trolls that reminds me of that zombie in Miami that almost ate that one guy to death, I swear I was actually there when it happened. The guy had actually just sniffed a bunch of table salt and was just going ape-shit because it burned so badly. Good thing I was there to help the cop shoot the bastard down with my Desert Eagles that I keep in my gilded holsters that double as mini-fridges when plugged in. Yah, it was pretty sweet, should've been there. Anyways you should stop talking so much, I need some sleep. See ya buddy.
71 - I'd thumb you up, but iOS disallows it. If anyone says TL;DR, I will fukkin KEEL yo sorry, ig'nant asses!
78- I understand. My iPod didn't allow me to get that far up either to edit it. I noticed that it should've been "mind's" instead of "minds", but I figured most people wouldn't care so I didn't lose any sleep over it.
To thumbs up a long comment scroll about half way up and swipe to the right.
Thanks for the help man. And go Sox!
Wow dude, I didn't finish your comment, half of it did t even make sense. But I was honestly thanking that person for not doing something that annoys me on FML. Sorry you felt the need to disagree and write a novel to prove your point. And I honestly don't care if I have thumbs up or down, I just say what I want to say (and I dont even know what's "trendy" on the Internet moron). You seem to be one of those people who always assume they know everything about someone. Good job.
I can't believe I just took the time to read 71's comment -___-
95- You obviously didn't get the irony of 71's comment. His point was to make a huge ass comment complaining about huge ass comments. That's why it's funny.
95- You've got to be kidding me......
Like you just did?
It'd really suck if at that moment the loud video was of him and the bride 2 weeks prior
OP's a girl so I'm sure the groom would have no problem with that
Hope it wasn't the one you Dont want your kids seeing…
48- You must be one of those uptight individuals that thinks like "Look at that cuntbag sneeze during this test like they own the place. The nerve of them."
SOTY, I've been on here 3 days and you're headed to the top of my "people I like" list. Just thought I'd say.
Haha SOTY sneezing is something people cannot help and therefore it would be wrong to be upset with them about it and I honestly don't care who disagrees or thumbs me down. Just shows me the rude society I live in and I actually understand manners whiles others obviously don't. Or maybe FML is just rampant with morons, who knows? Let's start the thumbing down now.
94, you are contradicting yourself now. First you said whether or not something is intentional it is still rude. Well I can't intentionally sneeze but, by your logic, it isn't rude because I can't control it. Just like OP couldn't control making a mistake no one can control doing other things people consider rude.
It was pr0n wasn't it?
Yes it was pr0n! Because thinking it was **** would be just absurd!
I hope that awkward moment didn't last for too long!

****. It's always ****.
What was the loud video of?