FML for mobile
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By icy_in_indiana - 11/12/2013 03:41 - United States - Greensburg

Today, a woman called the store I work for. When she found out it was a wrong number, she started to cry and asked me to stay on the line with her, talking about her dead husband and how she hasn't laughed in years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 277
You deserved it 3 226

icy_in_indiana tells us more.

To those who said I'm selfish for saying FML, I was just following the conventions of the site. Trust me, the situation was awkward for me, but I so feel so much more sorry for the lady who called. She was meaning to call who I assume to be family or a friend to ask for toilet paper, but instead called the grocery store. I stayed on the line for a short while, but since we're not allowed to take personal calls at work, I had to refer her to someone else. I can only hope that she found someone to keep her company.

Top comments

That's a horrible situation :( sounds like she just needed someone to talk to.

You're an awesome person for staying on the phone with her. I hope you told her about any sales you had going on.


That's a horrible situation :( sounds like she just needed someone to talk to.

Especially since it's the holidays... She must have really needed to feel some kind of connection to another person during a time of year that, most likely, held many warm but now bittersweet memories of times shared with her spouse. Much love to you, OP, if you managed to give her such a gift for Christmas.

It's the crazy ol lady off from a it's a app she asked for toilet paper to imagine guess

"Don't worry, ma'am, everything will be alright. Besides, electronics are 40% off today."

Karcasm 7

#59, your picture matches your comment perfectly.

I don't doubt that's it's helpful to have someone there for you, but don't inconvenience people you don't know. You wouldn't lack a support structure in your time of need if you were always good to others

You're an awesome person for staying on the phone with her. I hope you told her about any sales you had going on.

im laughing so ahrd because this is the exact phone prank you can send on this guy was just pranked and he totally fell for it omg im dying

Unionbay47 10

If she asked "is this so and so (store)" . You should've replied "no this is Patrick" and hung up.

B1ackthesun 31

I'm glad they got op and not someone as heartless as you.

I know it's weird to be in the situation you were in but I'm sure the woman on the phone was extremely thankful that you did stay on the line. Sounds like she had no one close to talk to about her husband and letting it out with you could have relieved her a bit.

RedPillSucks 31

Meanwhile, the other customers on the phone are stuck in "phone hold hell" waiting for OP to get back to them

SuperMew 22

Most people who call customer service are used to waiting, especially around the holiday season. I would rather wait five minutes and have someone who needed it get help than go straight through at the expense of someone who needed a friend.

You're a good person, OP. Maybe she just needed someone to talk to.

I hope you stayed on the phone with her. She must be really lonely and unhappy.

zahra_786 19

That is so heartbreaking. Poor woman :(

This shouldn't be a fml. This made me smile, because you were nice enough to care. :)