File vs. Folder

By NotThatButton - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Missoula

Today, I accidentally deleted my landlord's pictures of his child's graduation, girlfriend, daughter, and vacation when he asked me to delete a video off his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 588
You deserved it 21 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.


That sucks. Hopefully there's a backup he can retrieve the pictures from.

If pictures were stored in memory card then there's a chance it can be restored otherwise you're gonna need to find a new place. sorry op

Not necessarily. many phones, especially Samsungs, come with cloud storage back ups to keep these things from happening. there were like three thst came downloaded into my phone and mines a galaxy s4. so not super up to date even. several times a day it will immediately back up any new pictures to my Google drive all because I must have consented to it at some point. truth is most people's phones do this now days. so beware for your nudes people. not as easy to get rid of as they appear. ;)

38, not everyone wants their battery drained and their photos uploaded. You can get software called Recuva which will restore data from memory cards etc as long as that data location hasn't already been overwritten.

Recuva works brilliantly - I'd managed to delete 800 photos from my memory card - all back using Recuva (as well as all my previously deleted photos)

tantanpanda 26

Yea, but who asks someone else to delete a video on their own phone? Why ask someone else to do it for you? The landlord was asking for it.

OP probably took the video, and the landlord asked them to delete it while they still had the phone.

Yeah either OP is lying or he's even more inept with technology than his boss is.

This FML sounds a bit sarcastic to me. Like it was OP's intention to delete all his pictures.

I just don't understand how you accidentally do that though

On some phones there's a "delete all" or "clear" option, one miss click and everything could go wrong

Ouch. Hopefully he doesn't delete you as a tenant...

JackHuason 22

But did you delete the video you were supposed to get rid of

Nowadays most phones tend to have a 'deleted photos' folder. Most of my friends don't know that either and you can find all sorts of hidden gems in there!