By chocolateninja22 - 16/12/2015 16:42 - United States - Tucson

Today, I was at my job as a bagger in a grocery store when I felt the intense need to shit. On my way to the bathroom, an elderly customer insisted I go with her to find an item she needed, despite my telling her exactly where it was and that I was in a hurry. I didn't make it back to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 215
You deserved it 2 018

chocolateninja22 tells us more.

OP here - I'd like to say it's funny how the first ever fml I posted got here, but anyway. As a point of clarification, the grocery store I work in is kind of like a Walmart, but more centered around food with a bit of clothes and shit like that. Basically the store is ******* huge. It's not unlikely to be able to walk the store and not see another employee on the floor who would be able to help. And what she needed was on the opposite side of the store to the bathroom. Yeah....luckily I only told my manager and she let me go home and clocked me out so I could just ditch. I haven't gotten any looks from coworkers so I may be in the clear

Top comments

It's amazing how many people shit themselves, you'd think there was a movement or something.

Couldn't you just say NAW I GOTTA SHIT and walk away? You don't have to stop and listen to what she has to say when you've got... shit to do


Some customers don't understand that when you say you're in a hurry, you actually mean now and not eventually.

Should have looked her directly in the face and said "I need to shit"

corky1992 33

Haha! this comment made me laugh.

MonstreBelle 29

Your comment reminds me of an old interview with Charles Manson. Out of nowhere he suddenly stood up, said, "I gotta take a shit, would you excuse me?" and walked out.

Malsain_fml 10

There is a point when it hurts. When you get there, nothing can matter more than reaching the toilets asap. Nothing.

Couldn't you have just excused yourself and say it was an emergency (surely another staff member would take over for you?)

you don't say, "you're in a hurry." that sounds like you're inconvenienced by helping her aka doing your job. should have just told her the isle and that you're in the middle of helping another customer, on an assignment, point another employee out to her, say you have IBS and need to leave now, or anything else. although I really hope you won't be put in that situation again.

Britt125 16

I would have gone anyway. I did that once I really had to go and had customers waiting but like when you need the bathroom sometimes you just need it right away. Most people are pretty okay with just waiting a couple minutes anyway, if you just assure them that you will get back to them as quickly as possible.

yikes, that sounds crappy OP hope you were able to get another pair of clothing

Why didn't you tell her you needed to go to the bathroom

corky1992 33

I've worked at a grocery store. Customers ask questions at the worst times lol. I would have asked someone else to help her so I could make it to the bathroom.

PA: Mop and bucket to Aisle 5, please. Mop and bucket to Aisle 5.