By chocolateninja22 - 16/12/2015 16:42 - United States - Tucson

Today, I was at my job as a bagger in a grocery store when I felt the intense need to shit. On my way to the bathroom, an elderly customer insisted I go with her to find an item she needed, despite my telling her exactly where it was and that I was in a hurry. I didn't make it back to the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 215
You deserved it 2 018

chocolateninja22 tells us more.

OP here - I'd like to say it's funny how the first ever fml I posted got here, but anyway. As a point of clarification, the grocery store I work in is kind of like a Walmart, but more centered around food with a bit of clothes and shit like that. Basically the store is ******* huge. It's not unlikely to be able to walk the store and not see another employee on the floor who would be able to help. And what she needed was on the opposite side of the store to the bathroom. Yeah....luckily I only told my manager and she let me go home and clocked me out so I could just ditch. I haven't gotten any looks from coworkers so I may be in the clear

Top comments

It's amazing how many people shit themselves, you'd think there was a movement or something.

Couldn't you just say NAW I GOTTA SHIT and walk away? You don't have to stop and listen to what she has to say when you've got... shit to do


Lol sorry but by that point you should've just excused yourself and gone to the bathroom. I'm sure she would have been more than understanding. And if not then **** that, it's not worth ******** your pants.

As a bagger myself I know the struggles of people and the bathroom never shit myself but tampon fail I have.

A. Don't make eye contact with anyone, in theses situations. B. If this happens again, aim for her cart.

mariri9206 32

Should've said you didn't work there and then walked off. There's a chance they'll buy it, even if you're in uniform. When I'm at my place of employment and I'm off the clock (haven't started my shift yet, or I'm on my break or something like that) and a customer tries to ask me for help, I just tell them I don't work there. I didn't always do that but I've had people yell at me when I wasn't on the clock and they didn't even bother to find out if I actually worked there or not - and our dress code is outer shell black but I work in an area with a lot of stores and have that as the dress code for many of them - and I wasn't wearing my name tag or anything that indicated I work for the establishment. So, because a few people were jerks, I tell people I don't work there, instead of directing them to the nearest associate and, really, best advice I can offer is to tell them you don't work there and take of your uniform or name tag when going to the bathroom.

corky1992 33

But wouldn't that backfire if they're still there by the time you clock in or get off of break and they see you working? Pretty sure the customer would complain and you'd get into trouble.

mariri9206 32

Actually, no, they wouldn't because I work in a very large department store (9 floors for customer access, and 16 for employee access) and I don't hang out in my work area when I'm off the clock, I make myself scarce so I don't have to worry about that. Also, if they complain about my not helping them OFF THE CLOCK (which is illegal and we've been told not to do work things when we're not clocked in) and when I'm a customer just as much as they are at the moment, I really don't care because, then, they're the type to complain about anything and they'd find something to complain about. We're told our time is our time, not work's time.

No grey area here (and no brown jokes). Straight up FYL.


then ask her to wait and/or apologize and state that you have an emergency.

I would have said, "sorry, you'll have to ask someone else" and then have noice poop in the toilet.

Sometimes honesty is the best policy. You can power through a lot of things, but trying to just ignore a sudden onset of the ***** is generally not one of them. Will an entitled grumpy old lady complain to management? Maybe. Some people are just jerks like that. But I'm pretty sure "I was seconds from ******** my pants on the shop floor" is probably enough to placate all except the most insane of managers.

I have the same job, and I know the feeling. Try to go before work, or if it's diarrhea, use antidiarrheals. Sorry, bro