By melody91 - 31/05/2013 01:54 - United States - Mansfield

Today, I was at my nursing internship. After helping a patient get into bed, I began to walk out of the room when I heard him say to another nurse, "Now that was a king sized lady". To make things even better, she didn't understand him the first time and I got to hear him say it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 666
You deserved it 5 007

melody91 tells us more.

melody91 8

Op here! I was happy to see all of the supportive comments I got, I was expecting a lot of negative comments from judgmental people and there were only a few. I am a bit over weight but I have been working on it, I've lost 40 pounds in the last year with 30 to go. I am also pretty tall for a woman (just under 6'). I'm still not sure if he was commenting on my height or weight (maybe a combination of both). The adorable 94 year old man who made this comment is very sweet normally, so my ego was a little hurt for a while but I decided to brush it off :-)

Top comments

KareBear7364 5
Pwn17 25

Queen it up! Show him who's boss!


perdix 29

I'm confused. Was that an insult or a pick-up line? Maybe next time you help him into bed, he wants you to stay with him ;) Go, you old plumpa humpa!

I find it better to judge a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their hips. And your choice of careers suggests to me the former is bigger than the latter. :) Chin up, Op.

I'm all for a good joke but I'm a little tired of people bring disrespectful in such a cruel way, the world loses class with each year that passes.

Why is it that people think they have some kind or right to spew negative opinions about someone else's appearance?? It only makes them look like backwards, intellectually deficient idiots. Firstly who cares about your opinion? Secondly, what is the importance of this opinion?? To tell us something that is blatantly obvious? Or to tell us you are such a simpleton that the only conversation you can muster is to make it known that you will easily show how shallow and vapid you really are??

Right to speak freely is pretty universal in this part of the world, though I wouldn't mind reverting back to the days when you could take offense and challenge people to a duel for it. At least it'd maintain some accountability.

Mister_Triangle 21

I fail to see how an observation about someone's size is an opinion. If he called her tall, nobody would complain. If he called her fast, nobody would complain. But, simply because being overweight is (rightfully) seen as a negative trait, people get defensive about it.

Don't fret OP, you may not have a perfect body but you certainly have brains if you're a nursing intern :)

perdix 29

At least your hearing is good, right?

caysters 12

Hey, he apparently likes it. Everyone wants the king sized candy! No one wants "fun sized"

MartiOan 8

That's the pot calling the kettle fat

"I like big butts and I cannot lie". Had to have come from somewhere. Be proud of your shape. If you can't then change it by hard work :)

Ask him if it wants a miniature sized lady helping him to get in bed. ;)