By anonymous - 19/07/2012 22:31 - United States

Today, I was at work when a cute guy came up to me and said he liked my shirt. In a desperate attempt to say something back, I said, "Thanks, I like your shoelaces." FML
I agree, your life sucks 450
You deserved it 59

Top comments

pcentral 17

Your gaze should have been directed about two feet higher

That's actually a funny and cute comment, all in one. If anything, it must have made him smile. :) Don't sweat it, Op. We all have our tongue-tied moments. This one's just yours. ;)


Did they say they stole them from the president

plot twist; * he doesnt even have legs*

Anyone on tumblr? That's a legit way of greeting another person to see if they also have a tumblr account. Dunno whether that's why it was the first thing on OPs mind, but it would work with some people!

Thanks I stole them from the president.

If only it was "Thanks, nice bulge in your pants." Then it would have been REALLY awkward.

ZombieVampirez 24

That's the greatest flirting of all. You could of said "I like your face" ?

Did he steal them from the president?

Did he say "I stole them from the president?" ;)

What if he had said, "I stole them from the president"?