By anonymous - 21/01/2010 05:02 - United States

Today, I was bet 100 dollars that I couldn't break a piece off a brick with my head. I couldn't, and I have 2 gashes in my head now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 906
You deserved it 73 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anti09 1

I'd say you should be hospitalized to check for brain damage, but then I realized it's probably unnecessary considering you thought breaking a brick with your head was a good idea in the first place. YDI for being so profoundly retarded. Next time, do something fatal and remove yourself from the gene pool.

lametroll 0

I imagine that brick was the most sure thing going through your head at the time.


Next time hit it with the space right between your eyes it is he densest part.

MilkyFilmz 26

I wonder why it didn't work it probably had to do with the fact it was a ******* BRICK!!!!

Do thé world a favor? Next time shatter your skull

OP when someone bets you money worth more than $50 and they bet you can't do something, you can't do it.

You are so ******* stupid dude I really hope you get a brain tumor but then again... you'd need a brain in order to get a tumor so I think you'll be okay sadly... but hey I bet you 5 grand you can't run back and forth across the freeway 20 times with out stopping go ahead and make a video and send it to me