By bizzyizzy0121 - 21/11/2011 06:28 - United States

Today, I was called by a restricted number. The man on the phone then explained to me in detail what I was doing at every second that I was on the phone with him. I'm scared to leave my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 593
You deserved it 3 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babyyninjas 1

he knows what you did last summer !


tito114 0

Could it be a friend playin a cruel joke?

allie5699 5

Dude, find out who that is cuz thats some serious junk.. :)

hawaiianfire 0

Well no I didn't diss myself because the essay was a sarcastic comment on the poor situation FML is in due to certain bloggers who just don't get the point of FMLs. The examples were stereotypical comments that have no relation to my life whatsoever. So where did I diss myself? Get buried and stay buried? Yeah you must be one of the people I'm talking about. And lastly you are right, nothing I say will change anything. I will be buried because that's how many people there are out there contributing to the downfall of FML

PaganCharmFairey 3

Du-be-du-be-du (penguin beer commercial).

tarheelschik_fml 3

"and the call was coming from another line in the house..." *James Earl Jones' voice*