By Judy - 19/09/2012 23:33 - United States - Altoona

Today, I was called into my 17-year-old son's high school. Why? Because it was Wednesday, also known as "Hump Day" and his friends managed to convince him that you're supposed to go around and hump people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 004
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

My dog thinks every day is Wednesday.


Atleast no1 is pressing charges for harassment, and taking him to court

He seems to be in some big trouble so I wouldn't rule that out just yet.

zero91 4

dont forget its ladies night on wednesday

HeyArnold91 8

I could understand a younger aged boy being fooled by that, but 17? He wanted to hump, he didn't get tricked.

Damn Chive. I automatically thought of girls butts when I read the words "hump day".

SApprentice 34

He's lucky nobody beat the crap out of him.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Seeing as Wednesday (yesterday) was pirate day... maybe he was just tryin to score some booty. Anyone? No? *crickets* *walks off stage*

skullofdarkness 18

Yes. Molestation Monday, Inappropriate-Touch Tuesday, Hump Wednesday, Sexual harassment Thursday, and Slap Ass Friday. Has no one else heard of this? Normally though you just do it to friends who know you're just messing around- for him to get into that kind of trouble, though, he's probably a dumb ass.

I can't imagine it takes much convincing to get a 17 year old guy to hump random people.

perdix 29

Since it's your son, his interpretation of Hump Day got him in trouble. If it were your daughter, she'd be popular and rich.