By Shitty genes, no two ways about it. - 27/04/2013 00:21 - Australia - Perth

Today, my son had to help out at the local retirement home for his community service. He got in serious trouble and came whining to me about it after he tried threatening some of the residents into taking part in a Harlem Shake video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 067
You deserved it 6 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OhDearBetrayal 25

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.


OhDearBetrayal 25

I could've sworn the Harlem Shakers died out.

If that comes back I'm gonna shoot myself.

82, i think you might have some other issues if those videos upset you that much.

tjv3 10

Umm he sounds like a terrible person. Sounds like you either didn't teach him respect for elders? If you did then he is just a bad person who needs to learn respect

#88 he isn't a terrible person, just a teenage boy

The poor elderly. After they've lived so long they get harassed by a teenager to do a Harlem shake video.

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Damian95 16

You have to admit a lot of FMLs lately have been about old people doing and saying ridiculous things. But I wouldn't take it as far as to say they are taking over.

Umm they've lived their lives and have paid their dues so really it's their world we are just part of it! Look at Betty White for example finally getting old people to "fight" back! Go old people! :)

72, old people are still people, not angels.

Congratulations on raising the pathetic moron

Unfortunately for him that fad has died out, thankfully.

Good kid you got there. But the new thing is Hallway Swimming.. (Let's just save the elderly some trouble and not tell him, ok?)

But what if he looks at FML? HE KNOWS!!! >_>

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There was a meme that featured someone from Everybody Loves Raymond saying that...



well him faking it not it actually happen

Your son is a delinquent and needs to have the shit beaten out of him. I nominate the old folks. Give them each a turn beating him with their canes and walkers, and we'll see if he ***** with them again.

Hand over the cane, Doc... You shouldn't be beating up youngsters; you might give yourself a heart attack, you old bastard.

Reading cane and seeing a banana pic right below this led to thought that some of them might do more than just beat his ass with the cane...

You need to tell your kid to respect the elderly, and not force people to do died out Internet fads.