By Sarah-grace - 17/05/2016 22:20 - United States - Benton

Today, I was dumping some old milk in the sink and noticed it wasn't going down. Assuming food was clogging the drain, I stuck my hand down in it to remove the food. I removed a blueberry and half a cockroach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 811
You deserved it 1 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, put that sink to good use and wash your hands as much as you can


snarkytruth 37

This one had me cringing the whole time expecting a loud noise followed by blood. I have a real love / fear relationship with my garbage disposal. I would never reach in with my hand. YLS and you're crazy OP !

OP probs doesnt have one that why they stuck there hand in it

Fml indeed, what a waste of a blueberry

ugh..cockroaches are the worst!!! if you have them climbing around your plumbing you really need an exterminator!!!

getfokinrektm8 9

That's what the garbage disposal is for.

burgermike92 17

Not the best idea to pour it down the sink without using the garbage disposal since now your sink might be clogged with it.

That's when you wonder where the other half went, and pray you didn't eat it

on top of having to put ur hand in old milk..ur life time just take something and jam that junk down..eww!! LOL