By Momma - 19/06/2010 07:47 - France
Same thing different taste
By c-mack - 08/09/2009 00:52 - United States
By Elcam - 16/10/2013 08:22 - Belgium
By Anonymous - 28/09/2013 04:08 - United States - Bloomdale
Never reveal your password to anything
By Sky_Flower - 17/11/2023 22:00
By Paige - 26/12/2011 06:35 - United States
By AnnoyedByFriends - 08/08/2013 04:43
By lebowski - 28/11/2010 01:57 - United States
By Sean - 07/09/2013 08:22 - United States - Pleasanton
Hard to bare
By Anonymous - 03/04/2020 14:00
By Emily S - 09/10/2011 05:17 - Australia
Top comments
just go to contacts, edit, click on the pic n change it
it's ur phone and how out of touch are you with modern technology and beat their ass anyone ever saw shawshank redemption
#1 looks like. a baldwin
You deserve it for two reasons: 1. You let your kids play on your cell phone for way too long. Changing all of your contacts pictures takes a long time. 2. You don't know enough about modern technology, and are obviously not intelligent enough to either read the owner's manual or look online for how to change it back.
9-haha I was thinking the same thing
hang up pictures of fat ugly men on their ceiling so they wake up to balls that look like moldy potatoes.
uhh how did they get the pictures.... that's my question
I'm pretty sure OP didn't deserve it but it's funny as shit and no one's life is ******. "LOL" at "my dad still uses a CD player." Haha, when I was growing up, we had cassettes! Whoa! Ancient!
Sounds like a fun way to let people know what you're into. Phone imaging. Heh.
#30 you're* tokio I like the current picture much better than the previous.
YDI for reproducing with that low IQ of your's. I swear anyone who wants a kid should have to take an IQ test.
Google then save the pics. It's really not that complicated.
66 - #5 tried to say multiple things at once and combined them in one sentence. I understood what he wants to say, it's just not gramatically correct.
You are obviously a pushover. If i did that my mom would MAKE me change it back, not that i would be bratty enough to do in that first place. Grow some balls and stop letting your kids walk all over you
59 IQ tests were discontinued a long time ago because they weren't an accurate measure of intelligence. Maybe learn something about what your talking about before you judge another persons intelligence, and judging them through an fml? very accurate. And to everyone, it's a problem with most older people who aren't part if the technology savvy generation. OP doesn't deserve it
43- lolol. 51- haha thanks. :p 55- they banned me for a week. -.-" 58- thanks! I need a new one! I got a new piercing and got a hair cut! :D
YDI for being a scumbag.
they banned me for ages aswell -_-
So were you em"bare-assed" ??
73 IQ tests are still used today.. so get YOUR facts straight.. they just aren't the best and most accurate measure of intelligence.. but I agree with 59 stupid people should not reproduce
76- PA. 78- what would honestly make you think i'd get those as tattoos? plus, I've had other pictures with different things. only thing that's consistant was the stitches. 89- mine was fer a week. idk why.
94- it's not hard to submit on a computer. iPhone contact pictures could be confusing to change if you didn't know what to do. your picture is amazing, btw.
101- lolol yeah. XD I gotta get a new pic up though. the week I was gone, I changed a little. XD
that's what I thought
yeah, the same thing happened to Andy Duphrene
108- thanks. :)
so yea the comment messed up because of anti flood so I just kept typing things and that's were shawshank redemtion came from so does this mean no one has seen the movie
tokio I always thought you were a boy. Oh well, you're still a weak willed emo ****** who can't handle reality and has no right to be in it.
get even and make them ex-lax cookies
93 comedy fail
73 - Are you saying that because you score under 100? To be honest it depends what you define intelligence as...
Oh, and 131, the world would be far better without people like you in it.
lol...ydi for not knowing how to use your own phone.
google your phones settings
You shouldn't have a phone if your too damn stupid to know how to use it... read the manual? fool around with it? it's not that hard.
haha admit it you like it :P
Heh heh. You've got to admit it's a pretty good prank... :P
go back to using a landline! that or RTFM... that's "read the..." I think you can fill the rest.

just go to contacts, edit, click on the pic n change it
Heh heh. You've got to admit it's a pretty good prank... :P