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By pothole - 03/03/2010 20:16 - United States

Today, it was nice out, so I drove with my car windows down. I was stopped trying to turn onto a busy highway, when a car turned off the highway right next to me, hit a pothole, and splashed dirty water into my window and into my open mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 074
You deserved it 4 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

Clean it up with Orbit white!....FABULOUS! For a good, clean feeling, no matter what!


No better way to clench your thirst than that.

Haha! At first I thought it said, "hit a poodle" instead of, "hit a pothole".

missey_jey 0

no you dont understand, this tire hunted marry down! lol this reminded me of dane cook

tweetbaby14 18

why were you driving with your mouth open in the first place?

FMyLifeCereal 0

Sounds like Tiger Woods' dream neighborhood sply.

sugarbabyxoxo 2
sugarbabyxoxo 2

WTF is going on I don't know where my other comment went, so snickerdoodles is what I meant not "snickerdoodled"

ThuhBoss 0

Well, the OP DID get Snickerdoodled...

NoDeath 0

That's right drink it I bet it tasted like shjt

Yee12 0

WTF is anti flood protection?

Olympian94 0

I R.E.A.L.L.Y. would like to slap Snick square in the face. Sorry, someone had to say it.

Fatalally 4

Lmao like #1 said, why was his mouth open?* Oh what a nice day, drops mouth open and sticks his head the window* lol

Yee12 0

Anti flood protection won't let me be a troll :(

sugarbabyxoxo 2

#55 I don't know but it's annoying

boyguydudemalema 0

snickerdoodle, what an annoying ****. By the way, isn't it spose to be "quench?" just asking

Narelon 12
NGM_47 0

Clean it up with Orbit white!....FABULOUS! For a good, clean feeling, no matter what!

you just made me laugh for about a minute! :D

morganmariah 0
kirbykzoo 0

lol was thinking the same thing! Why was OPs mouth open anyways?

op likes keeping their mouth open at all times. just to be prepared.

lmao hahahahaaxD that goes with your picture so well xDD

thats wat yu get fo keepin yur windows open

BAHAHAHA! that just made my day. btw. delishh.

PsychoMerk 0

so the other people couldve potentially died and you're tripping about water? 0_o it's not like your seat are made of suede... cuz that'd be stupid -_-

ZombieBunnies 0

died?!?! ...from a pothole?! that's one helluva pothole!!

morganmariah 0

his seats could be leather. duh.

PsychoMerk 0

I would totally believe that OP was my cousin... I know leather seats can be cleaned quickly and nicely after... Accidents o.o

PsychoMerk 0

and wait... WTF?! I read this over 10x earlier and it said "POLE"!

missey_jey 0

lmao @10 shes saying it would be stupid, like cause thatd be stupid

Oh nooooo. 'Cause I'm a pot hooooole. Soooo. 'Kay, bye!

ewww. youre one of those people who have thier mouths open for no reason. YDI. keep you mouth closed.