By ticked - 06/10/2009 13:01 - Pakistan

Today, I was eating a packet of chips while watching TV. I saw a crumb on the table in front of me, so without thinking I picked it up and ate it. It wasn't a crumb. It was a tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 557
You deserved it 47 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you eating black chips? I think FML has taught me to never pick up "food" I dropped and eat it. Also, nice username.

Once upon a time I was eating pizza while watching television. Out of the corner of my eye I see one lonely piece of sausage left in the box. I pick it up and eat it, of course I don't bother to look at it. It was a stink bug. It turns out that they don't just stink, they taste BAD as well. You can't just spit out the taste of a stink bug. Oh well, live and learn.


xoconnie 8

LMFAO i did that once at gymnastics when i was littleee. eating chips and one fell next to me and i ate it but it was like some white powder rock from the white stuff u put on ur hands before you go on the bars. hahaah funny stuffff

eating chips and watching tv? how much fatter can you get? LOL. YDI.

cheapsheep_fml 0

clean your place. gawd. fcking pigs.

Crunchy08 0

ticks can grow to be freaking huge, I used to have to pick them off my dogs.

ydi! im always picky of what i put in my mouth.

Those saying the OP is fat: How in the hell do you know he's fat? Thin people can't eat chips, too? But still, that's really disgusting that you just gobble things up like that without knowing what they are. I'd working on changing that, if I were you. YDI.

My cousin ate a tick once. Of course he wasn't even two yet.

kaitycat101 1

That's what happened on greys anatomy last night!! Alex had a tick because him and izzy are living in a camper in the woods! Izzy told him he had mud or something on his neck... But it was a tick! LOL!