By fatgirl - 16/05/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my boyfriend and my friends. I was laughing and talking and went for another piece when my boyfriend grabbed my wrist and said that I had had enough. My friends all backed him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 004
You deserved it 10 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't break his hand? If my BF ever pulled some shit like that, he'd be sporting a cast. Not cool, especially in front of friends.

SweetestSin 4

Well how many slices did you freakin eat prior to that?


I would have eaten the pizza anyway! But we don't know the full story - maybe she had eaten her share already and was beginning to eat other people's? Like if they had paid for half a pizza each or something.

Let someone else have some too. Don't eat all of it! Do you eat like it's slop?

uhmm if i were u i wouldev just took tw slice and say yeah i think i noe how to count ! but atleast u tried :)haha wrks like a charm riii ????

srry but u need tah leave him and them. btw theyre soo not your friends

kbg8409 0

and it's funny that people say like "if you're not fat then it's okay". and who cares if she was?? that's her own prerogative. the bf shouldn't be such an asshole and be so shallow. it doesn't matter if she had 2 pieces or 100 pieces, they were having a good time and he totally ruined it and embarrassed her. FYL

When friends share any consumable, it is polite to take equal portions, be it cake, cookies, pizza, potato chips, or cigars. He may not have handled it well but he may not have been implying that you are fat.