Sick burn
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By burned - 24/05/2009 13:44 - United States
By alltern8ive - 09/11/2009 05:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/04/2011 15:14 - United States
By anonymous - 18/12/2010 09:11 - United States
By Un1ucky - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 26/09/2020 17:11
By Anonymous - 30/04/2020 23:00
By MulticoloredSlug - 13/10/2016 10:57 - United States - Philadelphia
By S. Bauer - 02/11/2011 13:50 - Portugal
By Firequeen - 21/11/2016 21:44
shittt **** your life.
this is gold
ahaha he's branded you now!!
haha 16 win
He tried to make you into a snack! Ok, I can understand on the kitchen bench... but the stove?? and you didn't tell him to stop when he went to put you on a hot stove???
guess the buns burned
Ouch! :( I hope you had pants on!
damn you have a hot ass but hey OP, not FYL, more like you can have him hold ice to ur ass while you guys are getting it on, cuz at least your sex life seems okay :p
Peacemaker! your back! Lol, it's been a while
Lol, where'd you go?! I'm pretty good actually! No more school! :):) How are you?
doing ok....still in school til the 23rd...I've been busy lately with school and life in general...just enjoying my three day weekend.....was at the pool all day yesterday came back and had a Bon fire- got to chop the wood-, today had a bqq in the front of my house and partied til midnight
Lol that sounds like last weekend for me. I had a Bon fire and a pool party. Sooo much fun. Haha I can't believe it's not summer for you though! I got out last Thursday :) and I lovee it! Lol but I'm glad your long weekend has been good.
Ughhh. Finals. Finals went by so slow for me lol. I can barely do well on regular testing let alone finals. Haha but if you think it's gonna go by fast for you then congratulations! Lol
Haha soon for you. Summer is already here for me :) What are you gonna do during summer?
Lol, how old do you think I am?
wooooo i just noticed i got first! suckk it bitchsss
Really? 19? Hm. That'll come in handy sometime. Lol
Oh damn. Lol hi Raleigh! I want a tattoo too peacemaker. But nothing big lol. I have no idea what I'm doing for summer. Just hang out with people and play it by ear I guess. Lol Rofl, and I'm not 17, 18, or 19
Rofl, 16 and 21. Somethings not right here. fafp
Not another stalker!! Raleigh! Nick! Help! lol
Haha you guys are great! He seems pretty innocent. He said he was 16. How much harm can a 16 year old do? *looks down and blushes*
If you want... I'll let you push me into a grave... :)
Haha right, right. Aww well that's for the nice comments! Makes me feel all special inside. :) Haha And it's good to know that if I ever need saving in a grave, I can count on you to help me. Lol
Raleigh? Idk, it's late for him. Lol he might have fallen asleep. Whadda body guard. Pfft.
Ahhh I'm from Cali! Los Angeles baby! haha. And yes, you can have his shift if youd like. Of course I wouldn't mind you sticking around. Lol
nick, there's a spider in my room. o.o Idk what's going to make me cry, the spider or Anti flood.
Yes it's freakin Ginormous! Kill it please! I don't even know where it went but kill it. oh, and it's 4:33 here in Missouri. lol
Haha I'm not on a trip. And I'm in the middle of a spider crisis here. Lol
Hahahahhaa awww poor Raleigh! kill it nick, kill it!
What video was that? I've never seen it. D:
lol burn baby burnnn! fyl op! that must have hurt! hopefully it wasn't verry severe n won't leave you scared for life :)
Aparently ur bf thought u r not hot enough. Or maybe he just needed some bacon.
that burn was proboly better thAn his sex
hot sex right there
haha something like that happened in a James bond movie
Hahaha he lit that ass on fire! Bravo
Really? I thought it was a win.
YDI for making a hot snack.....a snack is chips...
lol #5 :)
#5 ageed
I was just thinking the same thing...
same. saw a video like that at least 10 years ago
....a snack is funyons....
hahahaha awesome.
do you have a facebook?(:
are you. chick or dude!?
This conversation went tangential very fast.
Oh baby yes, move your tongue like--OH DEAR GOD MY ASS AAAUUGGGHHHHHH
lmao sucks for you OP!!
did you sizzle?
*cracks up* Win!! HAHA;
Hahaha he lit that ass on fire! Bravo
Oh baby yes, move your tongue like--OH DEAR GOD MY ASS AAAUUGGGHHHHHH