By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 03:42 - United States

Today, I was feeling unusually self-confident, so I decided to skip putting on makeup for the day. On my way to class, I passed some guys selling towels. One of them jeered, "Wanna be prettier? Buy a towel, and throw it over your face!" There goes my self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 119
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste


I'm willing to bet that they only said that to make fun of how you normally wear make-up. Keep wearing little o no make-up, it's beautiful on everyone.

underyourbreath 8

HA! Something similar happened to me (except it was a phone kiosk in a mall). So I stood next to the person and drove away all of his customer. So much for you commission for the day, ass hat :o)

Damn... Just ignore them, they're just being assholes :S

just say "why have you got so many towels, dont you ever shower?" then walk off. unless you look like you got shot w/o makeup, you probably dont need it.

Another guy's opinion: I'm not a fan of make-up. You girls are so beautiful, I don't understand why you would want to cover your face with crap..

Don't listen to him!! Go without makeup more often! Be natural! You're beautiful. (I can tell... Hahaha!)

ArielTheMermaid 17