By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 03:42 - United States

Today, I was feeling unusually self-confident, so I decided to skip putting on makeup for the day. On my way to class, I passed some guys selling towels. One of them jeered, "Wanna be prettier? Buy a towel, and throw it over your face!" There goes my self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 119
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste


brittybrat1165 5

I really dnt understand asshole motherfuckers like them do they really think u care wat they think about u its kinda like who the **** are u to be judging o speck of dirt lookin ass dnt let them gt to u there just piece of ***** who wernt raised wit any manners bet he wudnt of sed tht if he ws alone

bubo_fml 10

Thank them, purchase a towel, roll it up & snap 'em in the cods!!

thisguyy12 0

Honestly if u feel u can go out with out puttin makeup on in the first place u must be very beautiful those where just a bunch of douche bags

Makeup doesn't make people prettier. Ive seen some ugly people where makeup and still be ugly.

ZielZone 4

Why would you allow a bunch of immature douche bags ruin your self confidence?? To he'll with them.

debatingalways 0

Don't worry, with comments like that, they'll probably be selling towels for the rest of their lives. (and knowing so have to be dicks to make themselves feel better). You'll leave high school and make something of yourself, and all they're ever gonna be is mean :)

lulzmylife 4

Those guys don't have much of a future in entrepreneurship if that's their idea of good marketing. Don't let 'em get to you. There are always going to be jerks in the world, most of whom are jerks primarily because they're trying to make up for their own rampant insecurities.

Don't let these good-for-nothing jerks tie you down. Every girl is beautiful, even without make-up. Make-up, to me is more of a lie. Don't worry how others look at you, what's most important is to love yourself. There is something called preference, and not everyone looks good to everybody. Those jerks could probably be losers with no proper love life, more like **** and throw. One day, it'll suck for them when they're old with no proper love to settle down.

some_girl9 8

First of all, why were they just randomly selling towels? That's kind of disgusting, actually. Secondly, they're losers, and if that's their idea of making a sale, then don't worry, because they're digging their "company's" own grave right there.

Don't listen to him! He's one person and a total tool! Bravo to you for being comfortable in your own skin and don't let anyone else take that from you! I wish I could do that! (: