By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 01:20 - United States

Today, I was given a wedgie by a complete stranger in a crowded bar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 518
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cmath_fml 19

Perhaps they were trying to make a point about your underwear showing in public?


Maybe the strange was being friendly..a little too friendly.

lolmandi 9

Really hope you weren't wearing a thong, OP.

perdix 29

The good news is that person is no longer a complete stranger. I wouldn't call it friendship, but you've established a wedger-wedgee relationship.

soja_fml 18

I thought op might have liked it.... I mean if they hadn't they wouldn't have put it on **** MY LIFE!!

Satoaoi 13

I hope it wasn't from that guy that's been on the news lately for doing just that and more .

Next time you see him give one to him back.

jhh0991 5