By Stuck - 15/07/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, I was going to break up with my boyfriend after we went out for dinner. To my surprise, our families were also in the restaurant, to witness him propose to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 835
You deserved it 14 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw. I feel bad for him. I really don't know how two people in a relationship can be on such different pages. Couldn't you at least have hinted about breaking up?

rayrayy_fml 0

That's awkward. :/ Did you reject him? & #3, maybe they were on the same page. Maybe they both felt it was time for a change. She felt the solution was something new, and he felt it was taking the relationship to the next level, who knows.


ziqi92 0

u r ridiculous. why must ppl insist on breaking up right after a date? its especially rude to get a meal off of them and then breaking up with them....seriously, i hope thats not what was on ur mind...FHL, what an embarrassment he must have had. "will u marry me?" "oh uh......i gotta be someplace...bye!" *silence* yeah, sure, whatever, theres no nice/easy way of breaking up with someone. i can relate to ur poor ex-bf. i'll bet that experience will haunt him in all future relationships to come. hopefully u'll learn to break up b4 the nxt date is planned...

Fatass. you deserve it for waiting for one last meal

Well ur a bitch for trying to get the free dinner out of him, break up with him before hand so he doesn't have to waste his money on you. U kinda deserved this

Well said ziqi92 couldn't have put it better myself

tash14 1

I'm really curious what happened. OP, please post the rest of the story!

Yea_Wateva 0
xGymClassZero 0

It's amazing how all of you are assuming the OP was trying to squeeze a meal out of him before kicking him to the curb. The OP might have payed for a part of or the whole meal. To the OP: That is so awkward. I hope you both through it without too much mess.

will? did you say yes or no?, come on thats all we want to now!

Oh my! "stfu"! You've clearly shown that you're the better of us! Explain to me how the "best time" is AFTER the meal, which she knew was coming up. Go ahead, give it a shot. Tell me, oh brilliant sage of the zomgnetterwebz, how waiting until after her ex had bought her a meal would be a better time to break up with him rather than ANY OTHER TIME THAT WEEK. Come on, small minded one, give it a shot. Hell, I'll even give you a starter: Breaking up with her boyfriend after he bought her dinner was the best time because: (Fill in the blank!) were going to get a free meal out of your boyfriend before you were going to tell him you were leaving him...classy...