By Anonymous - 01/10/2013 07:30 - Austria - Vienna

Today, I was in an Austrian bar, making polite conversation in my broken German with a slightly odd middle-aged man. He said, winking, that he was near to his pension. I smiled and nodded, thinking he was talking about retirement. My friend later informed me that 'pension' is German for 'apartment'. Ew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 341
You deserved it 4 497

Same thing different taste


gazettefan42 8

That's like if you are white with blond hair sometimes old or middle aged men will ask if your Russian. Which means they think your a prostitute and want to use your services.

At least you have tried to speak German! I guess you'll find false friend words in every foreign language.

Vienna is different. You can read this on almost every entrance to the city ("Wien ist anders")

I'm not sure about the different meanings of 'pension' in Germany, but here in Austria it definitely means retirement.

Austrian is a dialect by itself and sometimes difficult to understand even for native German speakers. For example, the Austrian word for mosquito ("Gelse") is almost unknown in Germany (here it's called "Mücke").

Ninjataco1234 4

I learned in school that the word for apartment is Wohnung.

Actually the German words for apartment and pension are nowhere close to each other. Nor is one associated with the other. Your friend may have lied to you, unless they meant "boarding house."

RowanNightShade 22

Austrian and German are different languages (much like German and Swissdeutsch) for many words. While you can generally get the idea of Austrian with a German language base, many, many words are different. There are always regional dialects, but there is a reason Austrian and German are separated by languages when you are taught German. My teacher had a big spiel about it in class about how confused she could get when visiting Austria (and she was born and raised in Marburg).

Mcstud1y 30