By Caught - 11/11/2010 13:34 - United States

Today, I was in the car hooking up with my boyfriend. He was on top of me when I noticed my neighbor jogging toward the car. Instead of hiding, I felt compelled to wave as he jogged past us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 685
You deserved it 43 206

Same thing different taste


I feel like this should've been at least three separate sentences.

Either y'all are exhibitionists, or your neighbor is a somnambulist. Perhaps he's a sexsomniac, in which case perdix probably has the most accurate comment of all.

Fortuitous 0

It also should have been under #9's comment. But that would be ideal, and it's just so hard for people to do the right thing nowadays.

Hahaha it's one of those actions you usually do, so it just sorta slipped. lol.

Fortuitous 0

Ah, well played. I applaud your cunning.

i bet Ur bf was like who the f is that

varkey 7

and ur postin this on fml why? you are the one who waved... i dont get it and why in the car? that's a public place btw, you can get arrested

There are so many things that are wrong with your comment, 49. Let me list a few of them: -Your commas should both be replaced by periods. This only reinforces my original point. -If you could care less, that means you care. -You said, "There is 3." -What's a speperate sentence? -Comment #38 wasn't a sentence. It was just a jumble of words. You don't happen to be related to Gertrude Stein, do you?