By Caught - 11/11/2010 13:34 - United States
By Caught - 11/11/2010 13:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/05/2015 07:28 - United States - Plainview
By Rizma - 27/11/2014 15:12 - France - Grâces
By Anonymous - 01/10/2021 14:00
By caughttt - 10/02/2010 02:52 - United States
By tabbycacti - 30/11/2015 13:06 - Australia
By Lolrus - 28/03/2009 16:50 - Qatar
By Shelly - 13/06/2011 02:50 - United States
By jumpedjogger - 14/09/2011 08:34 - United States
By suzanneallen - 11/09/2009 04:23 - United States
By CuteFeeties - 07/08/2022 18:00 - United States - Staten Island
I feel like this should've been at least three separate sentences.
Either y'all are exhibitionists, or your neighbor is a somnambulist. Perhaps he's a sexsomniac, in which case perdix probably has the most accurate comment of all.
Hahaha it's one of those actions you usually do, so it just sorta slipped. lol.
Oh, I agree, 44. Haha, see what I did?
i bet Ur bf was like who the f is that
There are so many things that are wrong with your comment, 49. Let me list a few of them: -Your commas should both be replaced by periods. This only reinforces my original point. -If you could care less, that means you care. -You said, "There is 3." -What's a speperate sentence? -Comment #38 wasn't a sentence. It was just a jumble of words. You don't happen to be related to Gertrude Stein, do you?
lol did your neighbor wave back.?
I bet your dad is proud.
did your neighbor wave back?