By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 160
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


one of the many reasons why androids better(:

screw iPhone it's all about abh "rubs for head twice"

that happ to me via itunes just restore ur ph using someone elses computer then load ur itunes library back on on ur computer :)

Pyrodron 0

How to possibly fix the issue: Before you do any of these steps, open iTunes & read ALL of the directions first before procceding. 1) Turn the iPhone off 2) Hold the power button for 3 seconds 3) While holding the power button hold the home button & power button for 10 seconds 4) Release the power button but keep holding the home button until iTunes says your iPhone is in recovery mode 5) Press Restore in iTunes

kirstyndwatson 0

Yay for apple and all of it's piece of shit products!

I am 100% proud to say I've never owned or will ever own any iCrap. YDI. APPLE. Think different, just like everyone else.

do you really want to start internet fights over a company?