By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 160
You deserved it 9 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


Apple is for brainless cow wannabees. Overpriced and overrated. Just because 'everybody has one' doesn't mean it's any good.

They are expensive, but that's because they're good. OS X is more stable than windows, can do almost everything windows can, and guess what? You can run windows on a mac faster than on an equivalent PC, or even run both OSX and windows at the same time. All the new laptops have 7 or 8 hour batteries, and have some of the best hardware you can get. Sadly no Blu-ray though. :'(

As for iPods, etc, they're priced fairly, are comparable feature-wise to other players, but are typically thinner, more stylish, and have far more accessories.

DJ_BludLust 0

Apple kicks ass, **** these ppl. If you give me a little bit of info I may be able to help you fix it, i am really good with iphones. being a iphone 2g owner since it came out. email me at [email protected] if you want some help.

freemymindatnite 0

the same exact thing happened to my blackberry when i was downloading the new 4.5 software for my blackberry. the server crashed as all the applications were deleted and my blackberry became a brickberry. lucky for me they replaced it free of charge because unlike iphones, you can purchase insurance for blackberries.

wow.......plug it into your computer click on restore in itunes and your iphone is back to factory status

AtoZandBeyond 0

What the hell? iPhones and iPods will never brick forever unless if you broke it physically. I should know cuz I am on my jailbroken iPod right now using an FML app. I bricked it like 10 times by now. You have to restore it. First hold the power and home button for 10 sec Then let go of power button but keep holding the home button for 10 sec iTunes should detect it in recovery mode and click "restore"

If something went wrong just DFU and restore, else you mean you can't use it till tommorow, oh noes!

antonioohama 0

YDI for not noticing recovery mode.

antonioohama 0

@#213 Apple is way better than RIM. Get a life, stupid. They're in the Get Real section of your local supermarket, next to the clues.

TheComputerGuy96 16

Ever heard of DFU mode? DUMBASS