By Paige - 26/12/2011 06:35 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sad face - 07/03/2012 19:25 - Canada
By :) - 29/05/2013 07:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 23:02 - United States
By anonymas - 29/01/2010 15:29 - Norway
By Anonymous - 25/12/2024 12:00 - Brazil - Joinville
Memory man
By Dad Fail - 07/02/2023 07:00 - United States
By segal1010 - 28/02/2013 00:27 - United States - Potomac
By iphonerevolution - 05/07/2014 00:15 - South Africa
By anon - 13/05/2009 17:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/10/2011 23:25 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayNachos
13- I have autism and a VERY terrible attention span. On top of that, I can barely remember anything. I walk out of my room and forget where I want to go very often. I still had good grades and excelled despite this. All you have to do is pay attention, stay organized, and try. Just because it isn't easy doesn't make it impossible. OP just sounds lazy.
#36, Same here. Keevarou, that may be the case but it sounds like op was just being a bit lazy (depends on how many classes op failed) in his/her schoolwork.
i think your parents should have checked your grades before giving you your iphone, but on the other hand they may have already and decided to give you a carrot on a stick
Keevarou, I have terrible memory and still have good grades. I know kids with learning disabilities with good grades.
Doing good in school can actually be pretty hard for even the brightest students. If they don't understand the subject, even after they ask questions in class, then the upcoming test is gonna be difficult for them so they may or may not pass. Which can affect their grade a lot. School isn't a walk in the park.
Even if teachers are rotten, you can still teach yourself. My chemistry teacher refused to take the time to slow down and make sense, so I went out, bought myself a study guide, watched YouTube videos with formula examples, reworked work sheets, etc until I understood everything. There are plenty of resources like tutors, books, study guides, websites, and even lecture videos online.
I don't get why so many people are disliking #37 so much. They're entirely right. Math was especially horrible for me. If I still had my math books I could show you myself all the work that was in it. After some one on one help from the teacher I'd usually be able to do my work just fine. The next day I'd forget how to do it again though, so when it came to tests I sucked. :/
Reasonable, way to live up to your name. School may not be easy for everyone. When it is difficult, you have to work. Figuring out how to succeed is more important than the actual subject matter most of the time. Bad teacher, tough subject, whatever, are all just excuses. Apply yourself as suggested. This is a rare occasion where you will be doubly rewarded for your success, OP.
Apparently you had trouble in English. "It's*
... There's an app for that ..?
The grades must have been too good and didn't want you to get worse. At least they care.
I just love postive twists on the worst of events!
That's exactly how my parents are....they did that to me all through high school if I didn't get A's.
Same here :( my parents bought me a car and took it away for the only C on my report card!
#110 Your parents still bought you a car!!! You should be grateful! You'll get it back eventually!
113 - exactly. i have to pay for my car myself and im not even half way there yet. you're lucky, 110.
Just... Stfu Mmkay?
How about you take your own well thought advice and cork it before someone grapes you in the mouth, acehole.
Do better in school and get your iPhone.. It will be more rewarding when you get it as well.
Exactly my thoughts!
They bought it for themselves anyway :D
Or he could just be lazy. But if he does have a learning disability then his parents are assholes. But at least he has something to work harder toward now?
If OP had a learning disability or something of the sort, they would have mentioned it in their FML. Something along the lines of, "Today, my parents got me an iPhone for Christmas. Before they gave it to me, they went and checked my grades online. They took the iPhone back due to bad grades. They know I have a learning disability that keeps me from getting good grades. FML"
89- you are right on! Most people I know who say "I have ADHD" or "I am dislexic" or whatnot have diagnosed themselves. When a comment like that is said, the first thing I ask is "what does your Doctor have you on?" or "what Doctor are you seeing?".. Most of them reply with "I am not seeing a Doctor.. Everyone knows I have it."
I don't think there is an medication for dyslexia and it's probably not necessary to see a doctor about it, a special education teacher would probably be more helpful. I don't think you need a doctor for diagnose either. But I do agree that you can't diagnose yourself. You can suspect that you have something but you need a doctor or similar to confirm it. About OP well I can see how people think they deserved it but on the other hand I think they should checked their grades first and then maybe use it as a motivator.
epic FAIL!
I just feel to punch you in the face because you said that...
I just feel to punch you. Are you Russian? "Da, I Russian, I leave random words out of sentence."
#102 Nice stereotype...
i just feel like punching you in the vag
^ Forever an asshole.
^ forever a retarded queef

Damn, man I pity this fool who didn't pay attention in school.
13- I have autism and a VERY terrible attention span. On top of that, I can barely remember anything. I walk out of my room and forget where I want to go very often. I still had good grades and excelled despite this. All you have to do is pay attention, stay organized, and try. Just because it isn't easy doesn't make it impossible. OP just sounds lazy.