By OompaLoompa - 18/06/2009 13:32 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
New, from L'Oréal!
By oompaloompa - 28/10/2019 12:00
By Sally - 22/08/2011 00:17 - United States
Soft as snow
By Snow White - 22/05/2017 22:00
By CasperTheFriendlyGhost - 14/07/2016 17:11 - United States - Los Angeles
Lava lamp
By Kathleen Verhaegen - 30/04/2020 20:00
By Anonymous - 23/10/2019 18:00
By miss tomato - 08/06/2012 16:36 - United States
Good one, you little shit
By WalkingTalkingCarrot - 27/06/2011 02:15 - United Kingdom
By fishwizard - 02/06/2017 20:00
By xolaurennnn - 22/05/2015 15:55 - United States
Top comments
No, the sun literally turns your skin into leather. It has NO beneficial effects whatsoever.
It depends how much melanin you have, which is the pigment which gives your skin color. It absorbs the sun's rays and gives you a tan. Black people have more melanin, and albinos have none. It is dangerous for an albino to go into the sun because the rays of the sun, specifically the UV light, can cause damages to his body. Albinos are particularly prone because of the lack of melanin. UV rays can penetrate almost anything, unlike X-rays which cannot penetrate bones. Now that's enough science for one day.
So in conclusion: Tan and black people don't need fake tans. Pale people might. And as with everything; some sun is good, too much is bad.
actually, it does. doctors say it is good to get some sunlight. also, it turns your skin into leather if you're out ROASTING in it and have long-lasting exposure. stick to the facts my friend.
At least they weren't singing "Im Dreaming of a WHITE Christmas"
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayGeez people, the sun is NOT bad for you. Yes you can get skin cancer but that's for people who bake themselves in it. Go outside and get some fresh air.
Haha! That's awesome. Burnt sienna is the new tan. =)
Oh, hey I use that :) I'm already naturally tan though :P
no wonder ur blonde you have abssolutely no idea whats in that but you use it
Try jergens natural glow! U use it every day until u reach your desired shade so it doesn't get streaky and it's not orange. I'm a german Irish Ginger/blonde so I'm as white as can be and it works great for me. Good luck and stay out of the sun! Don't cave in to the haters. You'll look great long after the sun slaves do!
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da Oompa, Loopma, doom-pa-dee-do
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets? Eating as much as an elephant eats? Where are you at getting terribly fat? What do you think will come of that? I don't like the look of that. Oompa Loompa doompadee da If you aren't greedy you will go far You will live in happiness too, Like the Oompa Loompa...doompadee do!
Oompa Loompa doopity dossum Dwight is now gone which is totally awesome Why was he gone he was such a nice guy No he was not he was a total douche Doopity doomp
you must be really short. or have green hair. also, did you wear white pants today?

Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-da Oompa, Loopma, doom-pa-dee-do