By whatismydadthinking - 06/08/2009 08:45 - Australia

Today, I was introduced to my future stepmother, but it turns out that I already know her. Not only are we the same age and went to the same high school, when we were in the same math class together the teacher would often confuse our names because "we could pass as twins". FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 863
You deserved it 3 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportmaster525 0

take a hint. your dad thinks your hot.

Maddoctor 10

That is worng on so many levels.


Is your dad Hulk Hogan by any chance? Oh nevermind, you're in Australia.

you_know_who10 0

hahahahaha i was just gonna say that!

im gonna sound like a nerd but this is like in Lord of the Rings where Elrond says he only sees grief in Arwen's future cuz Aragorn is gonna die, but Arwen wont cuz shes a ****** elf, so tell ur future step mom that shes gonna be a ****** widow for 20+ years unless she has a year to live

mehwhateverr 0

hahaha, this is one of the best fmls here. fyl, but this is hysterical.

emily_woosley642 0

dude, this guy would have be atleast like 13 years older than this girl for him to be the same age as her mom. That if she went through high school with a child. More likely hes like 20 years older. ew

omg. this would soo totally creep me out. FYL.