By whatismydadthinking - 06/08/2009 08:45 - Australia

Today, I was introduced to my future stepmother, but it turns out that I already know her. Not only are we the same age and went to the same high school, when we were in the same math class together the teacher would often confuse our names because "we could pass as twins". FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 863
You deserved it 3 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportmaster525 0

take a hint. your dad thinks your hot.

Maddoctor 10

That is worng on so many levels.


CountDuk 5

FAKE AS HELL! lmao though that's a good story... but honestly your (if your in high school) dad who is at least 50 years old would not marry someone in their early 20s... and the person in the 20s would never marry someone in their 50s. that would mean either crappy sex for her, or no new babies because the dads too old. so it's fake but still: lmfao

NobodyUKnow 0

#27 you're crazy as hell to think that a 50 year old man wouldn't try to snag a 20 something year old woman. The father probably has money and the 20 something year old female sees it as an easy way out in life, marrying an old rich man. It happends every day. OP I feel sorry for you.

Uh, my uncle just got together with a 21 year old that is the same age as his son, and he's in his 50's. Also, why would it mean crappy sex for her? It just means the guy has a lot of experience... And maybe the girl doesn't want babies, y'know?

Welcome to real life, kiddo. My dad hooked up with my last stepmom when he was about 50 and she was about 17. As a matter of fact she was (well, still is) about 2 years younger than I. This shit DOES happen.

usmcwifey0321 0

not necessarily cousin was in his 20s and dating a girl who was 50 something..aside from that im guessing that since she was just introduced shes not living at home anymore. she could be around 25 ish and her dad late 40s- early 50s..its odd..kinda gross and creepy but happens... think about ages people have kids..if she was born when he was 20..and shes 25 that makes him 45..some 25 year olds would date 45 year old..and as for the no new babies thing if shes 25 she can have babies..and men dont stop producing sperm so he could have kids well into his 60s...

CandiApple 0

Men are never too old to make babies. They continue to produce sperm until they die. so The OP's new stepmom might give her a new sibling if they're not careful.

bexox 0

That's what I was about to say CandiApple. Women go through menopause and stop spitting out eggs (plus the whole Down's Syndrome situation). The only risk of older men reproducing is depression in the offspring.

Storm0305 2

"but honestly your (if your in high school) dad who is at least 50 years old would not marry someone in their early 20s... and the person in the 20s would never marry someone in their 50s. that would mean either crappy sex for her, or no new babies because the dads too old." Nice try, pal. My father in law remarried to a 20 something and he is in his mid-50's. And guess what?? My husband was 17 years old. He now has a 5 year old half sister at 26 years old!

dannnngthatsux 19

someone doesn't know their biology, men can have kids forever... as long as they are alive, men produce sperm. Oldest new mother I've read was 70. And youngest was 6. She was from South America.

All I can say is, if this is true, that's going to be an interesting experience lol. xD

I have a solution, although it may not work it's worth a try. Find an old guy with kids your age who's willing to pretend to be your boyfriend. Then show him off in front of your dad, and see how he feels about it.

I like it. Go for this suggestion OP! If your dad's any kind of father he'll get all protective and freaked out!

Isn't there one just like this? I'm gonna say fake

muffinsareyummy 1
usmcwifey0321 0

there probably is a repeat but doesnt mean its fake..just means theres alot of creepers who would marry someone their daughters age...

dramakat11 0

Wow. I mean your dad can do what he wants but I do feel bad for you. That is just awkward as ****! He's marrying someone your age, that you know, that looks exactly like you? (If this is for real.) I mean, that's really really creepy. Hopefully it's not BECAUSE she looks like you. *shiver* FYL. (OP: I've heard from many people that in Australia men are very sexist and have higher rates of spousal abuse. In your experience, is this true?)

I hope your dad doesn't ask your stepmother who her daddy is during sexay times. O_o