By my_only_friend - 03/06/2013 04:45 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was invited to a party. Since I rarely get invited to any, I was super pumped. Both my parents work late, so I texted a couple of people to see if I could catch a ride. It turned out everyone's cars were full. I ended up missing one of the only parties I've ever been invited to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 711
You deserved it 7 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. You should totally invite people over to your house if you ever have the oppurtunity; don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands if you want to be more social. You'll end up making more connections, and that way you'll be invited out more.


caligirllife 11

Seriously? Nothing to whine about.

there's a party in my pants... you're invited

TcheQ 12

Taxi's don't exist in Illinois

Well at least ya got invited. Can't call your friend for a ride or at least to come pick ya up after dropping everyone else off?

Calm down. It's high school. It's just four years of your life.

Aww I'm sorry :( don't worry. There'll be other parties

hillorie 14

If you're not old enough to drive to the party, aren't you too young to go to the party?

well, maybe she just doesn't have a car?

Come on flintstone yell yabba dabba dew and find a way, or take a bus, a cab, or beg someone to drive you but if you can't even get yourself to the party well I think it was best you didn't get there probably would been bullied harassed and ended up alone and at home wishing you never went

Call a cab. Walk. Take the bus. Ask someone who's car is full if you can ride in the trunk.

Kc1001 14

WTF! Have you heard any of the stories of how dangerous a trunk is?