By my_only_friend - 03/06/2013 04:45 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was invited to a party. Since I rarely get invited to any, I was super pumped. Both my parents work late, so I texted a couple of people to see if I could catch a ride. It turned out everyone's cars were full. I ended up missing one of the only parties I've ever been invited to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 711
You deserved it 7 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. You should totally invite people over to your house if you ever have the oppurtunity; don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands if you want to be more social. You'll end up making more connections, and that way you'll be invited out more.


Bobskittens1 12

Yeah, the cars were "full". Likely story.

Growing up we didn't know the meaning of full cars. We did our best clown impressions. Probably not the safest way to do things.

We've had 19 people crammed into a pickup, and if a 20th had called for a ride the answer would have been 'We're full'. Even doing clowncar impressions you know how many people you can fit in the car.

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I can understand why you wouldn't get invited.

Well I often do get invited to parties. Mostly because I'm a lot of fun at them. But if I hear about a party I'm not invited to, I just go anyway. And am a lot of fun at those ones too.

Dude, the general idea is that if you're not invited YOU'RE NOT WANTED. If I want to take a friend to a party, I ask the host. If I'm not invited, I stay at home and play video games or whatever.

I guess we just don't go to the same types of parties then. The ones I go to people generally don't care who shows up so long as they don't steal or break shit. On the rare occasion someone isn't welcome they tend to get ejected bodily and the party kicks right back up again. No. I've never been one of the ejected.

I do that if my friends get invited and I don't. It's frustrating when this happens but it goes away when you just show up! Glad to know I'm not the only one!

Some friends! If one of my friends ever need a ride and I have no room, I help either make room or figure something out!! Fyl for having crappy friends, op.

CallMeWindSock 24

Don't worry, OP. This won't be the last party you're invited to!

Have to agree with #21 here... OP a taxi is like a normal car but you tell the driver where you want to go then pay him or her when you arrive. Easy

Not everyone lives in a city with a cab service. In my town, the nearest city with a cab is about 30 miles away.

Boo effin hoo, cryin about nothing

RedPillSucks 31

#23 works at the suicide hotline.

Why did you not take public transport? Or even walk/cycle?

perdix 29

I noticed you texted "people" and not "friends." This could explain why all their cars were magically "full."

What if I tell you, being 18 or 21 or 16 or whatever legal age for you to drive, doesn't automatically grant you a car?