By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I was looking over some old notes from high school when I came across a list of things I wanted to accomplish by the time I'm 25. I haven't accomplished a single one. I'm 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 256
You deserved it 16 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kinda depends on the goals. If they were like "become the next Hitler" or "kill many babies" I'd say it's good you haven't accomplished them.

Well, you've got a list of things to do. Get cracking!


ShenziSixaxis 0

Start working on them now! You know, it's always better late than never!

Move to Mexico and become a fisherman. That will solve all your problems.

ohhhhshizzz 0

I think my list is pretty realistic: Go to NYU major in history minor in journalism become a historian and lecture at NYU. =] Redo your list, OR throw it out the window and take the road that goes any & everywhere.

Shizden 0

66, I wouldn't advise that unless you like having the flu...

twindaddy 0

What posting your life's inadequacies on fmylife wasn't on the list?

Haha well i guess some people's goals change as they get older so ts ok. Maybe you have done something better with your life...? or maybe not... in which case, FYL.

well do it now youre only 26 dont give up damnit

I don't get how this is a FML. Your goals that you created in high school are most likely different then the goals you set as you grew older. So, you did set and complete goals, just not those ones.