By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I was looking over some old notes from high school when I came across a list of things I wanted to accomplish by the time I'm 25. I haven't accomplished a single one. I'm 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 258
You deserved it 16 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kinda depends on the goals. If they were like "become the next Hitler" or "kill many babies" I'd say it's good you haven't accomplished them.

Well, you've got a list of things to do. Get cracking!


okenter 0

YDI for not doing any of them. Did you expect to just sit back and watch as they happened to you? Take some initiative!

meadowlark 0

Well, now is the time to start accomplishing those goals--you have no excuse or reason not to. There's no time like the present. Unless they're like the ones #5 stated...

Most of the things on those kind of lists are unrealistic by adult standards anyway. In high school, you think you can do everything, then you hit real life.

Maybe your expectations were too high.

rhombus_fml 0

#8 they said LIST not 1st so shut up

bonafidehustler 0

#44 is right. I'm also 26, and I expected to accomplish much more than I have by the time I was this age, but in high school I expected things to come a lot easier than they have. I can't be too upset, and you shouldn't either.

Whatever, kids have incredibly unrealistic ideas of what happens after highschool/college. Don't sweat it.

ch_kisama 0

this is not an FML...people's goals and stuff change all the time. if there is still stuff you want to do then go for it, if not than don't.

depends on the list whether or not this was an fml