By diva467 - 03/10/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I was on a date with a guy having a great time. I went up to go to the ladies' room, but as I walked back to the table, I heard some giggles. I looked and found out why. My skirt was tucked into my underwear. I was wearing my lucky Star Wars-themed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 801
You deserved it 15 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments


angel1495 0

Jealous! I want Star Wars undies! lol

Who cares?! You fix it in a half-second, laugh and move on with life. I can't stand such insecure, complaining girls.

theRovingMage 0

Where on earth did you find those? I need a pair! Total Win, not an FML.

Star Wars panties FTW! I could use a pair of these!

exploding_toast 0

really? this is an MLIA, not an FML.

But you're probably ten times more awesome to him now.

toher24 0

i dont see whats wrong with this picture... thats wicked

blacklite69 0

YDI for wearing star wars undies on a date. Are you serious?

WorkThatButt 2

LoL...don't be ashamed by those star wars panties, hell I would wear pokemon ones and strut around with them on on purpose, work that ass -.o